Lisa Osherow is a Health and Sexuality Educator whose mission is to empower parents and children to make healthier choices. She is passionate about helping to reduce sexual violence and creating a safe culture for everyone.  Lisa received her Master of Arts from New York University in Health and Sexuality Education.

Family Workshops

Set up a phone call with Lisa to discuss your current pressing question about how to handle...first parties, drinking, drugs, dating, decision making, engaging in sexual activity and more.

Students are engaged in interactive sessions on topics such as gender, sexuality, puberty, body image, internet safety, and decision making.

Lisa hosts workshops for parents on a variety of sexuality topics from birth through college, including consent, pornography, and surviving the social scenes.

Article about Lisa Osherow and Creating a Consent Culture

student Workshops

Learn with Lisa O

Health and sexuality Education


Call with a question

Lisa taught sex education, menstruation and reproduction to students attending school at an orphanage in Peru (with a translator).